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The Giò di Busca Archive is curated by Dr. Marco Cerruti, who is responsible for the systematic cataloguing of the artist’s entire production.
The Archive is addressed to those who possess a work by Giò di Busca and want to authenticate it and include it in the official Archive.
The documentation below should be sent to the email: info@giodibusca.com

Archiving procedures

For the archiving of the works of Giò di Busca it is necessary to fill in every part of the Cataloguing Form directly downloadable from this site and send it by e-mail to the Archive, together with the following material:

  • photo of the front of the work (JPG format with minimum resolution of 300 dpi)
  • a photo of the back of the work
  • a photo of the signature detail (if present)
  • photo of any significant identification details (labels, archive numbers, dates, inscriptions, dedications)

It is also the right of the Archives to summon the owner to view the work before issuing the certificate of authenticity. The authentication will be issued as a single copy and it will not be possible to request a duplicate of an authentication issued by the Archive.

Archiving certificates will only be issued for single works and not for multiples.
Archiving costs will be communicated upon request by e-mail.